These days’ markets are covered with latest designs and replicas of high end products but what makes us different is the quality of fabric we use in manufacturing. We have recently launched a new range of coats which are carefully designed using genuine and faux leather only. Thrones Jon Snow coat and jerkin is available exclusively on our website. It comes in black color with a coat which has belt and loops in front with a jerkin in black color with lace in front for closure.
- Coat and jerkin both can be sold together or separately
- Genuine and faux leather material used
- Front closure with belts and for jerkin with lace knots
- Full sleeves
- Stand up collars
- Celebrity inspired look
- Delivered to your doorstep
- Value for money
We offer free shipping around the world. We deliver the products within 8 to 10 working days to the given address of the client. We use reliable and fast courier services for the delivery of products like DHL and FedEx. If the products are available in warehouses in the UK and USA, we can send the products through postal services. Royal Mail is famous in the UK, and USPS is suitable for the USA.
We make sure that our clients get the products as soon as possible. However, if items are out of stock or a customized product, which can take time. We have our warehouses in Chicago and London, where we stock hot selling products.
We are based in the UAE, so we will not deal with and take orders from OFAC sanctions countries, according to local government laws.
Shipping costs
As mentioned earlier, we offer free shipping to several countries around the world. Shipping to the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia is free except for the countries like Russia, Africa, and Eastern Europe, shipping charges are very high, so shipping charges are applicable for these regions.
Import Duties and Taxes
We are not responsible for the payment of local taxes and import duties. The price of the products does not include any taxes. The buyer should check the customs duties and taxes for his country before placing the order. Customs duties and taxes vary from country to country. Some countries are duty-free, while others charge import taxes. So, checking the custom policy is the responsibility of the customer.Â
If you need any further information regarding the delivery of the products and shipping charges, you can contact our customer care.
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